In the United States, there is a two party system, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, that dominate and manipulate the public’s interests and issues. Despite the colonist “Founding Father” George Washington’s resistance to any sort of political party, quickly after his departure grew a dual system and has evolved and continued this duality to the present. This is not to say that other parties do not exist, but these two parties are considered the only credible ones as they’ve maintained their position as dominant parties through policy and sabotage. This system has created a false polarity in United States politics so that many think you must be one or the other. This narrative has made it so that the GOP and conservatives call anyone who is a Democrat a liberal, socialist, and communist. The Democrats have called anyone who isn’t a Democrat, a Nazi, Fascist, etc. The argument I am making today is that Liberalism is not too different from Conservatism and both are plagues to the liberation of Black and Indigenous people. Along with this, I want to point out the vast differences between communism and socialism and why the two party system has falsely conceived this notion that liberalism is socialism and how that is a threat to socialism.
A key theory to this discussion is the idea of Neo-liberalism, the idea of a laissez-faire economy, free market, the promotion of capitalism. Within international relations, neo-liberalism works to create favoritism and peaks special interests on how a nation will react with one another. For example: the U.S. allies with Saudi Arabia for oil interests, the U.S. conflicts with Cuba because of their resistance to our imperialism.
Liberalism has been adopted by many Americans who consider themselves to be leftists. Liberalism “advocates” for social justice on a capitalistic level but ignores the sources that prohibit liberation. Examples of this are liberals combating police brutality by asking for more Black and Brown police officers ignoring that the current system trains officers to become detached from their communities, the enforcement of current American law in an enforcement of White Supremacist values. Another is advocating for a Black bourgeois when the issue is the bourgeois will always ignore their communities while actively working in a racist system to uphold their position at the expense of Black and Brown people. Liberalism is toxic because it advocates for capitalism and aggressively combats Socialism. With the rise of Communist and Socialist groups in America, many Democrats have been aligning themselves with the GOP, Conservatives and Fascists, becoming Nazi Sympathizers, to fight Communists and use McCarthyist propaganda in doing so. They’ve learned to use racist, sexist, and classist rhetoric to silence Black and Brown people, low-income folk, the LGBTQ+, disabled folk, and especially all that intersect.
Capitalism is an economic system that cannot possibly exist without an exploited class. In America, it has taken marginalized groups such as but not limited to: the Disabled, the LGBPTQ+, Black, Native people, and non-white people, immigrants, womxn, and low-income folk. The bourgeois benefit off our exploitation, liberals and the Democratic party exploit our issues for political gain then work to maintain, gaslight, and enforce our oppression. Liberals and Democrats have participated and continue to defend the Occupation in Palestine, the destabilization of Libya that has resulted in a power vacuum and the modern slave trade, the War on Drugs that disproportionately incarcerates Black and Brown folk and capitalizing off our bodies, refusing to pass any legislation that protects Trans polk from discrimination, the list can go on.
The issue with this is that Americans don’t actually understand Socialism nor Communism. Our public education mandates McCarthyist teachings, we are bred to believe false accusations on the life in communist nations, we believe our government’s demonization of communism and refuse to ask why. Why would a government filled of wealthy and white elites allow education on an economic system that would totally destabilize the oppression they’ve maintained on the folks they oppress, why would they be ok with their wealth being redistributed. Secondly, our government sponsors the tragic, heart-wrenching tales of people who valiantly escaped the horrors of communism. Are we not competent enough to connect that the people who escaped Cuba were mostly the white, wealthy elites that profited off poor Cubans under the Batista regime and feared incarceration and their wealth being redistributed? The vast majority of these people that tell nightmares about communism are wealthy and white, doesn’t that say something? While the few that weren’t wealthy that escaped from Cuba came during the 1980’s when Cuba was combating what they call “The Special Period” where there were virtually no imports because of hefty United States embargos. The rule was that if a country wanted to trade with the US, they could not trade with Cuba. This left Cuba with very few economic allies and though they weren’t necessarily in poverty, it appeared so because they couldn’t get imports. They triumphed this. They continue to resist American sanctions, the Cuban people will not give into American imperialism.
I hope this give you all an idea of why we, Communists, advocate against liberalism, why we will never ally with nor justify their actions. We only support ideologies that fight for the people's liberation.
As more people take on the vegan lifestyle, I feel compelled to write this piece to bring out the necessity of a Marxist approach to veganism for the growth of the animal rights movement. The vegan movement is one that believes in non-humans right to life without exploitation. The vegan lifestyle is one that does not use nor consume any product that had come, or has an ingredient, from an animal or animal exploitation. Examples of what is not vegan: honey in tea, an egg and cheese sandwich, leather, horseback riding, going to zoos, etc. As one practices a vegan lifestyle, the more it becomes apparent how many times animal products, and unnecessarily too, are used in everyday products from cigarettes to toothpaste. Often vegan products or companies trying to appeal to vegans will label their products “cruelty-free” which then becomes very controversial since that is often not true, something or someone had been exploited. The point of veganism has now become to live as ethically...
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If you wanna argue about communism, im not interested.